Saturday, 25 October 2014



Direct Instruction is an approach to teaching. It is focused purely on direction from the teacher.

I feel that Robert Slavim and Madeline Hunt’s models of direct instruction are a great explanation of direct instruction.

There are certain steps to follow to have a productive classroom.

    -You want to tell the students what they will be learning in the course and how it will benefit them.  Students need motivation and this is the time to do it

    -this is a very important step.  You want to make sure students have previous knowledge of the subject because if they don’t it will be very difficult for them to succeed.

   -You want to make sure there are many examples and demonstrations.  While some students learn from a lecture others may find it too fast and will need to refer back to notes.  I think that handouts, diagrams, videos and printed notes will be a great help for a variety of different students.  I also feel that as an instructor I should demonstrate what I am teaching.  If I am giving a lecture on how to perform a facial I will have handouts, videos and I will  personally demonstrate how it is to be done.  I want my students to be engaged.  It isn’t enough for them to listen they need to see it being done.

   -After the subject is explained and demonstrated then the students can practice.  As an instructor I will walk around the classroom and check their progress.  I will make then make sure the students understand and then adjust the lesson accordingly

Once this is all completed the lesson will come to a close.  The instructor will do an assessment and ask the students what they learned and took out of this lesson.


There are some pros and cons of direct instruction.


Some cons of direct instruction are that there is little room to improvise.  It is a step by step teaching method.  Teachers must be well organized and have excellent communication skills to have a successful classroom.  If they don’t have this the students will struggle and not get a grasp on what they are trying to learn.  For example if I am teaching how to perform a facial I must be very organized.  I need to have tools and products as well as a step by step guide to the lesson.  If I don’t have this the students will not be able to perform the facial properly. 


Direct Instruction is best for learning a specific skill.  In my field there are so many different services that need to be taught.  Teaching my students using this format is beneficial because it lays out the service step by step.  After the lecture and explanation there is time to demonstrate it and then for the students to practice it.  To be successful in my field you need a lot of understanding and a lot of practice.

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